Some days are better than others. Sometimes some weeks, months, years…well, you get the picture. This is probably the quickest of these stories/essays that I’ve written. And the title has more than one meaning. I’ve been trying to put out one of these once a week, usually on a Saturday. It was good for me to have a set schedule. It wasn’t so easy this week.
It has been raining nearly non stop for the past two weeks where I live. When we finally had two non raining days in a row, I was able to get out and mow the lawn that was starting to look like we were trying to grow hay. So either my headaches were amped up because of the weather or exerting myself sucks all the energy out of me. Six to one, half dozen to the other. In fact, I was out earlier today mowing again (we have 4 acres here). But anyway, that’s life. I’m not saying any of this to make you feel bad for me. There are millions upon millions of people in this world who have it worse than I do. I was just explaining why I was late this week.
I have to tell you, though, Zooropa has been one of my favorite albums since it came out. It was one of the first albums I was able to buy right after it came out. I even remember the record store where I bought it. It was down the shore in Ocean City, New Jersey (USA) on their boardwalk. The place was called Tunes on the Dunes and you could find new releases and rare little gems (like when I procured the Desire single.). Its a shame privately owned places like that aren’t really around anymore. I miss that place.
But to get back on topic, I was totally into Zooropa the first time I heard it. To me, it was almost as if I was Alice and it was my Wonderland and I could go there every time I listened to it. Almost every song was a filled with these bright or crazy color combinations (the CD and album artwork didn’t hurt in creating that illusion. Kudos to the graphic designers). I loved nearly every song (I was a little iffy on Daddy’s Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car at first) since the first listen.
And that’s where we get to Some Days are Better Than Others. The album came out in July 1994, and so I was just shy of turning 14 (2 months away) and when I heard that song I once again thought ‘Yes! They understand what its like to be me!’ because as we all know 13 was never a great age for anyone. And trust me here, anyone who thinks they have it all figured out when they are a teenager is either lying to themselves are really naive. Either that or they are one of those super geniuses that invent something when they are like, 11 and make millions of dollars and then can do whatever they want to for the rest of their life, but that almost never happens.
You try to find the good days within the bad and when you don’t want to get out of bed, kick yourself out and do it anyway. I have to do this almost every day.
Some days are better than others.
GREAT !!! Love this album....I was just listening to it again and again.....It has a magical, soothing tenderness.....TUNES on the DUNES sounds incredible !!! So 90's....I miss my childhood.....I was only 5 in June 1993 when Zooropa came out.........