I’ve rewritten this a few times now, and each time I delete it all because it just doesn’t sound right, or it isn’t coming out right. This summer, and much of this year has been plagued with stories of shootings and massacres, of violence against others that are feared or touted as different from one group or another. Hate has been rhetoric of choice.
It shouldn’t be.
“Love drives out all fear”
“Love makes strange enemies
Makes love where love may place
The soul in its striptease
Hate brought to its knees”
“I’ve seen for myself
There’s no end to grief
That’s how I know
That’s how I know
And why I need to know that there is no end to love”
One of the things I always loved about U2’s music was the light that was inside of it. Even in the darkest one, there was always a small spark. It always helped me through my darkest times…but you already know that, I’ve mentioned it more than once.
Not long after what happened in Orlando, one of my friends down there, Del Marco, who works in the media industry, wanted to try to get something started to combat all the negative emotions that have been swirling around. He thought about starting a rally, first online, and then hopefully getting one in person called #MoreLoveMorePeace.
He wants to get the message out that its shouldn’t matter what your color or creed or sexual orientation or anything like that is, that we should all love each other. And, I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but, if we all love each other, then why would we be fighting against each other than? Why would we be throwing all of this hate at each other? And, in there, is the More Peace.
I thought it was a great idea, and in some small way I wanted to help. So I told him (all over Facebook) that I would try to come up with a logo if he would like. It wasn’t much that i could do, but I guess it was something.
There is an old saying that goes “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”
I’m really hoping that this candle burns very bright indeed.